
The Governors work together as a team, supporting and challenging the school leaders to provide an excellent education for all pupils at The Willows.

We meet regularly and enjoy being actively involved in the life of the school; carrying out focused learning walks, attending celebrations, assemblies, curriculum days and performances.

We also have responsibilities in specific areas such as safeguarding, budget monitoring, health & safety and careers progress & attainment. This helps us to ensure that all students make good progress, are safe, develop good social and life skills, receive high quality teaching and learning experiences and vocational opportunities in order to achieve their full potential and prepare them for future life.

At The Willows we have chosen to use a ‘Circle Model’ of governance; this means that we work collectively as a ‘whole team’, meeting at least 6 times a year, without any separate committees. An annual monitoring cycle and agenda for each meeting include all the tasks which the Governing Board is required to consider, and is recorded in the Minutes.

 None of our governors currently have anything to report on the Register of Pecuniary Internets.

 All correspondence with the governors should, in the first instance, be addressed via the first clerk to the governors: Emma Sheedy, either at the school or by email.

Governors meetings attendances 2021/2023.