At The Willows we recognise that learning to read and write can be difficult. Pupils with Special Educational Needs often find learning these skills to be a challenge. Staff in school look out for signs that pupils are displaying dyslexic tendencies and colour sensitivities. We then put lots of things in place to remove barriers to these pupils’ learning and help them to achieve their full potential. We use overlays, coloured paper, word banks, interventions, specific guided reading and phonic sessions, along-side personalised curriculums to improve the outcomes for our pupils. We recognise that dyslexia occurs independently of intelligence and is a difficulty in processing language. Pupils with dyslexia are very intelligent, creative and are able to make good progress in school. Please use the following information to support your child at home. The English Team at The Willows are always available to offer support, advice and answer any questions you may have so please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Dyslexia explained – What’s it like to be dyslexic

Phonic Sounds

Play Phonic Sounds

Dyslexia friendly font download

Link to

Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome colour filter for Windows

Lexia Reading Intervention

Lexia is a computer based program which helps pupils learn to read and understand texts. In school we have identified certain pupils who we believe will benifit most from taking part in “Intervention Lexia”.

This intervention helps pupils develop their reading skills through a range of games. At school your child has 3 x 20 minute sessions on Lexia. Participants can now also access Lexia at home. Lexia adapts according to the individual needs of your child, and we strongly advise you do not help them through the program. It is best to let your child work on Lexia independently. If you think they are struggling on a particular skill, please ask your son or daughter to try another activity and inform your teacher.

Participating pupils will have brought home a letter providing guidence on using Lexia at home. Download and installation instructions for specific platforms are provided below:

Instructions for Windows and Mac – Lexia is browser based, just browse to “”

Instructions for Apple iPad – Download the Lexia App from Apple Store

Instructions for Android tablets – Download the Lexia App from Play Store

Usefull Links for Parents:

British Dyslexia Association

Parent Champions